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Video丨Pandas prove popular with FISU games participants

2023-08-02 21:47:01 来源:羊城派



Being welcomed by the 6-year-old male giant panda Zhima, who inspired the design of Rongbao — the mascot of the event — was a wonderful surprise for the athletes and officials from around the world who visited the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on Monday. Zhima is active and sporty, skilled at lifting, climbing, everything. That"s why it was voted to be the first "real" mascot in FISU Games" history. Inside the official licensed products store at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, long lines of people had queued up to buy these panda dolls.



成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的周边售卖处,憨态可掬的熊猫玩偶“堆成山”,前来购买的游客排成长龙,其中有许多外国友人。记者看到有一个外国老爷爷抱着满怀的“熊猫小山”,还采访到一个在周边饰品陈列台旁惊叹“好漂亮”的外国女孩,在问到购买了什么纪念品时,她兴奋地向记者展示了自己的耳钉,表示这是为自己购买的纪念品,并拿出自己为妈妈购买的伴手礼:一条漂亮的项链,被称赞“真漂亮”时,她露出幸福的笑容。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

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来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 赵丹丹

